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TheBlackboardTV is a series of round table conversations featuring opinionated, funny, insightful and diverse Black voices. We talk about everything, from health and relationships to Black culture and social justice. We exist to challenge common thinking and to pressure test societal norms. 


On Sunday March 28th, Crystal Renee joined the sisters to discuss on how we cope with living in a world that thinks we're the wrong color + the wrong gender. 

Guest Author on The Blackboad TV

On May 11, 2021, Crystal Renee presented a workshop titled Writing for Healing. The· Women of Color Summit featured a wonderful lineup of 20 professional development workshops. This Summit had something for diverse careers and professional roles.

As a scholarship strategist, Theresa Harris works with families to empower and support them while they navigate the world of higher education. Scholarship Momma® focuses on helping the youth of America develop a game plan to complete their college career with less debt. Theresa and Crystal Renee team together to help students create Winning Scholarship Essays. 

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