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Everything Happens for a Reason

Before I begin let me prepare you for a personal blog. I have a lot of things on my mind and writing about writing your novel isn't one of those things. You are my people, my safe space, where I can be transparent. Here we go....

Let me start from the beginning. A few blogs ago, I highlighted how a conversation with my boss took an unexpected hard left after he only offered me one class for the upcoming fall term. This shook me because things have been going amazingly well with DreamWriterInk! God did a thing this summer and showed me how DreamWriterInk! is a sustainable book publishing house and I'm smart enough to keep it alive.

The Becoming a Fearless Author Bootcamp was a success and I've developed enough content to create my first on-demand class. Six future authors are ready to begin their book publishing process. Three books were published and one more is almost ready for an early October release. My bi-monthly emails are catching the attention of so many professionals and social media influencers. Besides publishing books, I also offer ghostwriting services to new small businesses. The list goes on but, all the excitement fizzled because my boss gave me one class.

Classes begin in two weeks and I've realized I'm not angry about only having one class but I'm hurt and shocked my work isn't appreciated. My mom helped me clear my mind and reminded me it's business and I shouldn't take this personally. My therapist agreed and told me in June that I wouldn't be teaching there for long. She mentioned this after I sold a few books at one of her events.

I asked God what to do. He said, write. My memoir is 80% finished and it wouldn't bring me any income until December or January. Then a few days later I prayed again seeking clarity and understanding. Crickets....

Joy came on a Sunday morning with revelation and understanding. I had to break everything down. I spent a month reflecting on the negativity of feeling demoted. Yet, I woke up in a good mood, full of excitement and stress less. Why was I letting this affect me so much? I had to go back and remember why I quit my job in 2019. I wanted to write!! It was obvious getting tenure wasn't a God priority. I've been searching for full-time and better-paying adjunct jobs for about two years. I've interviewed and received callbacks but never got a you're hired phone call or email. Maybe God is answering my prayers and giving me the out to be a freelance writer? Or focus on DreamWriterInk!? Focus on book sales!!

There are so many other things I can do besides a traditional job. I feel good about this and know teaching at a traditional university could be a season coming to an ending? Or maybe it's just a stepping stone to my next blessing? It's opening a door for others and giving me the freedom to grow and set my own rules. The best part is it gives me time to finish my own books and novels. Everything happens for a reason and this reason is a good thing that's purpose-filled. If you are following your God-given purpose remember to stay confident in it. Distractions, fear and doubt will attempt to throw you off track. Stay focused and in constant communication with Jesus. He won't steer you wrong and your purpose will manifest!

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