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Salvation Over the Phone

I wasn’t familiar with the word saved until my mom started attending the Apostolic Assembly of Jesus Christ. They said saved, baptism, speaking in tongues, and salvation often. I never heard any of that while at St. Philip and eating the Body of Christ regularly. I think it wasn't until I was a teenager that I met Jesus. I was heavily into astrology and my mom hated it.

She would always say, “You need to get saved soon,” and walk away.

At that young age, I thought getting confirmed as a Catholic was equal to the salvation my mom spoke of. I began to read through my Catholic Bible that I received after getting Confirmed during 8th grade.

I spent 9 years at St Philip Neri. From kindergarten until 8th grade. During those years I participated in every age-appropriate Catholic ritual. I was baptized Catholic at age 5. My great-grandmother Hazel Murdock really didn't like that. We'd spend many hours discussing Jesus and what He did. It was very similar to what I learned at St. Philip. But, Mother wasn't having it. We'd butt heads, well as much as I could without staying in a child's place. Stories of Adam and Eve, Daniel and the lions, The Towel of Babel, Noah and the ark, Moses parting the sea, Jonah and the giant whale were all seared in my brain from attending children’s church at Martin Temple more than the Religion classes they had at St. Philip.

It all became real as I talked to my good friend Darrion (now Double Dr. Darrion, Ph.D, AND MD).

“Crystal, are you saved?” asked Darrion I never expected to hear this from a friend. We usually talked about sports, Physics, and dating. That question was new to our friendship. I knew he was Catholic too but, that was the furthest we had gone with religion.

“My mom talks about salvation all the time. I’m Confirmed. Isn’t that being saved? I know Jesus is the Son of God and died for my sins. That’s saved, right?” Darrion paused before answering, “It's that but, deeper. More than genuflecting and the rosary. Salvation is living in a true relationship with Jesus.”

As he unknowingly evangelized to me and we spoke he suggested I get a Bible a turn to Romans. My eyes went to the red Catholic Bible.

“Hold on, Dar-Dar.” I put Darrion on hold to look for one of my mom’s Bibles. I saw a black and red one, grabbed it and ran back to the phone.

“I’m back! My mom’s Amplified Bible should work.”

“Perfect, turn to Romans 10 verse 9.”

I searched the table of contents for the book of Romans and found the scriptures.

“I got it.”

“Great, let’s read it together.

In unison, we read: 9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and re saved.

Okay, now you declare alone. Say it with your heart.” I repeated the scripture with meaning and prayed God approved.

“You’re saved, Crystal!! What do want to pray for?” “Patience,” jumped out my mouth.

“Are you sure? Patience is a hard one.” I didn’t see the big deal, I was very impatient and needed help with that.

“Okay,” Darrien responded with hesitance and prayed to God to teach me patience.

What was I thinking!?!?!??

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